Thursday, 22 July 2010

Picking Lettuce

Lovely morning in garden.  Picked more lettuce, more basil

A:'Is this an apple tree?'
Me: 'No, but this is an apple tree - can you see the little apples?'
A: 'Can we eat them?'
C: 'They're a bit small.'
D: 'They're not ripe until they are red.'

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Cropping the courgettes

Courgettes to share with everyone!  Also salad and basil cropped.  Garden enjoyed by all.  Also thanks Fox Hollies for topping up our potato crop with earth.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

What's on for under 5s Kings Heath this summer?

Well, at our own stay and play, Kings Heath Community Centre, we have our regular stay and play running throughout the summer on Thursdays 10 to 12.  Siblings welcome, although activities will be aimed at under 5s.  Sandwiches in Garden after, weather permitting.

Elsewhere, Billesley Lane are running various events on Fridays:

16th July 10 to 2 Trip to Umberslade
6th August 10 to 12 Woodland adventure at Moseley Bog
20th August 10 to 12 Walk and ride @ Kings Heath Park
27th August 10 to 12 Woodland adventure at Moseley Bog

Also we have: 

For more visit Highbury Children's Centre

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Fox Hollies return

Fox Hollies, who last year built and tended our fantastic small raised beds, return today with more plants!

All is planted up now and looking forward to sharing veg.

Tending our garden

Inspired by Alys fowler, we finally get going on gardening, after a long cold spring.

Catching up - our history

There's bags more stuff available at the official Kings Heath Community Centre site.  The start of the stay & play group's involvement was in 2004 - we got funding to start develop a garden space.

Since then, we've slowly moved things on with a bit of help from Real Time Community Change and Highbury Cluster, working with Kings Heath Primary Playscheme on events like 'Tree Love' in 2007, extended radically by Alys Fowler and Oz of Clean and Green earlier this year.