Thursday, 28 October 2010

Harvest photos

Voodoo vegetables

Mud, blood or slime anyone? Jago, Morgane and Arthur at the magic potions

Messy work painting a cauldron black

Fishing for bugs

Pumpkin plates
Harvest Haloween was very well attended - we had loads of activities including the above, all the usual, feelie box, Jack Frost story performed by Arthur, Morgane, Jago and Eva, and not forgetting pumpkin soup and flapjacks to finish.  Thanks everyone!

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Harvest Haloween

Thursday 28th October 2010
10:00 to 1:00

Kings Heath Community Centre 
Stay & Play

Activities for under 5s, over 5s welcome
Please bring a vegetable or two 
(for vegetable voodoo, not to eat)
£2.00 entry

Pumpkin soup, bread and flapjacks in garden at 12:15.

Friday, 22 October 2010