Thursday, 16 February 2012

Three Bears fun in garden

Ran the theme of 3 bears and Goldilocks, cooking up porridge specially for the occasion.  Great to be out in the garden, and got ivy cut down with help from all - didn't get round to doing the raised beds, but no hurry - garden tots to resume weekly garden fun next week!

Finding Rhubarb growing

Soup, not poridge

End with quick game of 'who can spin for longest'
Washing up time

Friday, 10 February 2012

Garden Day

KHCC Stay and Play is only open on Thursday 16th February, siblings welcome, and will have a food theme.

Following stay and play we will have a family garden afternoon, all welcome:

Garden tots will restart on Wednesday 22nd February, 12 to 2, and continue every Wednesday from then, weather permitting.